The world is a crazy place, full of all types of drama.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Its Better To Give Than To Recieve: Child's Play

Very rarely do so many of my passions intersect in such a beautiful way. Child's Play is an non-profit organization sponsored by companies in the gaming world. The money raised by Child's Play through donations and various events, go towards children's hospitals, particularly helping to improve their patients stay. For the holidays, each participating hospital posts a wish list via of items the hospital would like to have for the children. For example, kids movies and DVDs such as High School Musical and Happy Feet, or gaming systems such as a PS2 or a Nintendo DS and some popular friendly titles. These items may not directly cause a child to get better, but anyone who has ever had a loved one in the hospital before knows, overall happiness is very important.

As we all know by now, Katrina and its resulting aftermath devastated New Orleans, including its medical facilities. While the majority of such facilities are no back open, many less medically important things, such as forms of entertainment, were passed on when the money to rebuild was budgeted out. New Orleans currently has two participating hospitals. The Tulane Hospital Center for Children and the New Orleans Children's' Hospital, both of which are in need of these types of items.

I cant express how excited I was to find out that an organization berthed out of the Video game culture that garners so much negative press, was raising money (over $1million in 2006) for such a noble cause, and that my city could directly benefit from it! So when your making your Christmas lists for the holiday season, if you have room for an extra gift, or even just a few extra dollars, consider donating to Child's Play. You won't regret it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

K-Ville Is a Tv Show, and So Much More

Right behind the slump that our Saints have found themselves in, the hot topic in alot of mouths is FOX's latest series, "K-Ville". I remember hearing the concept and cringing at the thought of another half ass representation of the city I and so many others like me love, so the little firestorm that has come about isn't surprising in the least. What is surprising though, is that I haven't missed an episode, and anxiously await next Mon evening. For the uniformed, K-Ville is a cop drama set in post Katrina New Orleans, and for those that haven't seen an episode, is full of action and stereotypes and I'll be damned if I don't love a=every second of it! The cry is that in a times such as these, the last thing New Orleans needs is a series that shows rampant crime and wild shoot outs in some of the most recognizable locales of the city. I write this little to piece to emphasize an obvious yet overlooked fact.

K-Ville is a television show set in New Orleans, not a documentary. The show itself is a cop drama, meaning that every episode there will be a crime (if not more) and then the cops will do cop stuff, dramatic cop stuff, in their efforts to catch the baddies by the end of the hour.
Cop dramas take place in a number of cities and all of them always have a crime at the beginning. Hell, CSI has three cities (Vegas, NY, and Miami) full of crime if you mistake what you see on prime time TV series for the evening news. But the reality is its all fiction, in other words, it isn't real!!!! Well not all of it.

As a local, I understand that our city is not all about crime, and there are no shootouts in Jackson square, nor any car chases that spend any even small amount of time on Bourbon Street, but I also understand that a non-local cant distinguish the upper 9th Ward from Uptown simply by the style of house, nor do they know that the Convention Center isn't the best place to look for the airport. They needed some recognizable landmarks and traditions to give the show its New Orleans setting to the casual consumer.

On another side though, with the exception of "Gumbo parties", which don't at all sound like a bad idea to me, Anderson's character is probably at least a small part of all of us that call the Crescent City home. He loves his city with all his heart, and logically doesn't even know why. In these real life post Katrina years, its tough being a fan of New Orleans. "There is too much crime, too little elevation, too much water, too little money," and so on. It takes every bit of strength in me not to reply that there are too many people too busy sitting high and mighty to pick up a damn shovel or hammer and go to work! Boulet embodies that pissed of resident that will bring the city back if he has to do it himself, and honestly I cant name one character I can relate to more.

For me personally K-Ville has been serving a double purpose. I love the action, the craziness, and the quirky feel the show has and all its cop drama characteristics. But I am also loving seeing my city on TV . In America's ADD culture, it is truely out of sight out of mind. "The water is gone, FEMA has came and left, so everything is ok." If it takes a FOX series for people to see even a glimpse of what the reality is down home, then do it. Houses are still collapsed, grass is high, buildings abandoned, families separated, neighborhoods emptied, yet there is something about it all its own that cant be recreated anywhere else. Any resident knows, and fortunately I think K-Ville knows it too.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

50Cent vs The World

Damn, I hate 50Cent. For those who don't know, 50's album "Curtis" and Kanye's album "Graduation" both drop on Sept. 11 and the battle for sales is on. Kanye is just chillin, 50 is doing everything he can to make a buzz. Songs from Curtis are leaking like a broken levee and none of them have caught on, maybe save for I Get Money. Everything else has been blistering garbage. But if anybody is good at selling crappy music, it is Mr. Cent. When "Get Rich Or Die Tryin" dropped, he was in the middle of a beef with Ja Rule, and we all loved it cause Ja Rule blows. I actually really enjoyed that album. Then its time for "The Massacre." What does 50 do? He has an on again off again relationship with The Game, who's album "The Documentary" was lookin to overshadow 50's effort. This time around 50 wants to debate with Kanye, he is flippin a shit about his songs leaking, and then comes the MTV hottest rappers in the game right now list. 50 clocks in at 7, below The Game, Kanye West, and the #1 spot holder Lil' Wayne. 50 goes berserk and is pissed with MTV for rating those people higher than him. Funny thing is, the only reason he was that high is because he can conduct a hype train , all the panelists said his new stuff was dirt. Anywho, in his attempt at taking the #1 spot away from current sales leader, High School Musical 2, he is taking aim at Wayne and Baby now in a new track, "Part Time Lover". Anybody else want 50 to fall of the planet, and take his Ayo Technology with him?

Part Time Lover

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Resident Evil 5 Probably Isn't Racist

I was gonna rant about this awhile ago, but never got around to it. Don't worry, the internet has argued enough that you don't need me to get you all pumped up. Synopsis, the new installment of the popular zombie killing video game franchise Resident Evil recently released a trailer that appears to be set in a poor black 3rd world town (some people say Africa, others say Hati), meaning that for the 1st time players will be tasked at eliminating zombies that are black. Some people have taken the stance that this game is racist in that it features a white protagonist killings blacks. Some have even gone as deep as to say the zombie infection is a stab at the AIDS crisis going on in the black community. Personally I find it more racist that it took 5 major installments of a best selling game to acknowledge a non-white race in any form, hero or zombie. What do you think?


Monday, July 16, 2007

Movies Are Movies

And are therefore not books. As to not insult any one person specifically but more of a general idea, I wont be linking to any particular place but I'm sure evidence of the following is abundant. If I read one more review of a movie that also has a book version, and the review reads something like, "OMG, every inch of the book wasn't covered! This movie is teh suxxorz for not having Harry's ultra pissed off section properly depicted!! The book pwns! - Fanboy" I'll go ape shit. If you haven't noticed, movies and books are two different forms of media. Whats really awesome in a book, might very well suck ass in a movie. Just think how uncool a Live Free or Die Hard book would be. In a similar way, I'm glad every ounce of Harry's life as a wizard isn't covered in the movie. Although Harry Potter fans tend to be a little different in this regard, it takes most people multiple sittings to read a book. If a movie isn't over in about 3hrs tops, people will get pissed. Meaning all of the "good parts" from a 1000 page romp need to be contained in usually a 120 min time frame. So hearing every detail of Ron's breakfast cereal will likely be omitted while the cool ass wizard fight might be expanded.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Google Street View

For those modern age stalkers that like to stay on the cutting edge of stalker tech, I introduce to you Google Street View! In another totally cool but mostly useless application, Google has eye level street views of certain areas of Google Maps. As long as the eternal object of your affection spends their days in either the New York, San Fransisco, Denver, Las Vegas, or Miami area, you have a shot at catching a glimpse of them doing something extraordinarily normal! Stalkeriffic! Of course before Street View got to even tie its shoes, backlash has begun to rain from the "Invasion of privacy" heavens. One lady, who has been so graciously named "Cat Lady", has been quite vocal about her feelings after Googling her address (very stalkeresque if you ask me) and using the Street View option, was able to see her cat chillin in her front window. OUTRAGE!!!! Not only has Google captured the life of that poor cat, but they have also caught some other people in some compromising situations. For instance, you can see a guy walking out of a Pornographic store (although his face is blurred), there is another guy apparently breaking into a San Fran apartment, another guy getting a speeding ticket,not to mention a number of people lacking appropriate clothing in Miami. As you probably already guessed, the internet was quick about gathering these images and sharing them. Enjoy your stalking!

Wired Mag's Collection


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So apparently their are swamps somwehere else in the world besides Louisiana. Who knew? And to top that, there are elusive elephants inhabiting treeless islands in the swamps of southern Sudan. If I wasn't so petrified of snakes and therefore the swamp itself, I would gather a band of merry men to search for these swamp ninja elephants that have managed to avoid people for quite sometime on an island with no tress. Maybe they have some cajun relatives?Read

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

B-List Monsters = A+ Lies!!

Im sure none of you plan on citing Peter Jackson's King Kong as evidence that giant Apes can infact exist, (if you were, shoot yourself) but most people don't think that its all too impossible. Well you know how your supposed to take things with a grain of salt? Well this guy suck things with a nice sized can full, completely disproving all the popular movie myths. Everything from 1in humans, to Mothra. Interesting read.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Virginia Tech Shooter

Not really much to say here...... Tragic shit.
Asian guy
VA Tech Shooting