Very rarely do so many of my passions intersect in such a beautiful way. Child's Play is an non-profit organization sponsored by companies in the gaming world. The money raised by Child's Play through donations and various events, go towards children's hospitals, particularly helping to improve their patients stay. For the holidays, each participating hospital posts a wish list via Amazon.com of items the hospital would like to have for the children. For example, kids movies and DVDs such as High School Musical and Happy Feet, or gaming systems such as a PS2 or a Nintendo DS and some popular friendly titles. These items may not directly cause a child to get better, but anyone who has ever had a loved one in the hospital before knows, overall happiness is very important.
As we all know by now, Katrina and its resulting aftermath devastated New Orleans, including its medical facilities. While the majority of such facilities are no back open, many less medically important things, such as forms of entertainment, were passed on when the money to rebuild was budgeted out. New Orleans currently has two participating hospitals. The Tulane Hospital Center for Children and the New Orleans Children's' Hospital, both of which are in need of these types of items.
I cant express how excited I was to find out that an organization berthed out of the Video game culture that garners so much negative press, was raising money (over $1million in 2006) for such a noble cause, and that my city could directly benefit from it! So when your making your Christmas lists for the holiday season, if you have room for an extra gift, or even just a few extra dollars, consider donating to Child's Play. You won't regret it.